How Volvo Changes The Way Of Travelling In India?
Until about 2001, bus industry in India lagged miles behind the world’s standards. The buses – deluxe or regular – had major drawbacks compared to other nations. For one, they were a by-product of trucks – built on truck chassis. Reclining seats and stylish paint job used to be the difference between deluxe and regular buses. The scenario changed when Volvo brought about its commercial bus for sale in India. While they were all priced significantly higher than the buses in use, there’s a reason why Volvo still owns over 70% of the market share in the bus industry. Volvo began with its revolution in the industry by approaching private operators running intercity deluxe buses and asking them to charge a higher price per ticket. The company also got the regulation restricting the length of a bus to 11 meters changed – to 12 meters, at par with the rest of the world. Next, to persuade operators that its costly buses were, in fact, more profitable, the company drew up a lifecycle cost c...