Comparing Hair Transplant In Young And Older Patients

It is not uncommon to find people reading about hair transplant reviews before going for this elective treatment. If you too are one of those then you are on the right track, as opting for an intense medical procedure like a hair surgery for balding problems needs as much preparation and information as possible.

Let’s look at the basic criteria that makes you a candidate for a hair transplant surgery:
-      In-depth diagnosis of a common genetic hair loss condition known as androgenic alopecia, or any other condition that can lead to hair loss.
-      Exploration and observation of any medical therapy to see its full response.
-      Adequate amount of hair loss that is hindering your aesthetic appearance.
-      Availability of sufficient amount of donor hair that can satisfy the current and the future needs.
-      Having realistic expectations for surgical hair restoration.

Hair Transplant

Right time for Hair Transplantation
In today’s societal emphasis and a globalized economy, hair restoration is a necessity more than being desirable, which has given rise to many high-tech clinics for hairtransplant in India. Starting early and continuing the treatment under the best hair transplant surgeon, can help you maintain a pleasing appearance, however cosmetic it might be.
Male pattern baldness can begin from anytime between adolescence to later years. While few men choose to seek hair fall treatment early on and maintain a regime for as long as possible, many decide to accept the situation as it is and seek no treatment. If you compare the candidacy between young and older patients, younger patients more than often face the following difficulties:
-      As the patient is still young, it is nearly impossible to determine the boundaries of the permanent zone, i.e. the line where the hair falls stops.
-      It is also difficult to determine the stability of the donor area, as hair loss may continue till older years.
-      Earlier the beginning of hair loss, more extensive the baldness can be; skyrocketing the cost of hair transplant.
-      While an older man may look for improving his aesthetic appeal, the younger patient’s expectations toward desired density and hairline’s position may be too high.

As a man ages, the hairstyle becomes more permanent, making it easier for a hair treatment specialist to work around the donor area. This is not the case with a young adult who may be compelled to wear his hair short in case of donor area scarring.

Choosing the right hair transplant clinic for any kind of hair treatment is therefore crucial as many complexities must be understood beforehand. For excellent before and after hair transplant results it is also important to go for the best diagnosis and treatment.


  1. Thanks for sharing such an important information about hair transplant treatment. Thanks

  2. Nice blog... about hair loss and hair transplant, I have get some information in that blog..

    Continue posting types of that blog.

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