Identify and Reverse these Reasons for Hair Fall in Women

You cannot deny the fact that hair loss is agonizing for both men and women. It is true that men are more likely to suffer from it than women, but thinning and hair loss in women is on the rise, and it doesn’t look like the situation will get better anytime sooner.

If you have lost a substantial amount of hair, then thanks to technological advancement, you can opt for treatments like hair transplant in Gurgaon, Delhi and in many other cities. But, would you not like to take control of the situation from the get-go if you still have the time?
If your answer is yes, then here are a few common reasons for hair fall that you can start controlling for this moment onward:

-      Physical stress: Trauma or physical stress like surgery, accident, illness, post-pregnancy, etc., can cause temporary hair loss. A stressful situation can shock the hair cycle system, and the good news is that your hair will start growing once your body recovers.

-      Emotional stress: This one is less likely to cause hair fall, but can upset your hair cycle none the less. Take steps to combat emotional stress by talking to an expert, exercising, eating healthy, etc.

-      Excess Vitamin A: Those supplements that you take may be supplying you with Vitamin A more than what your body needs. Once the intake is halted, your hair should grow normally again.

-      Lack of protein: Hair is made from protein and a deficiency can directly impact their texture, and can lead to hair fall. Include food (both vegetarian and meat) in your regular diet that are a good source of protein.

-      Anaemia: Not a hidden fact anymore that women have less haemoglobin than men. Anaemia indicates towards iron deficiency and can also cause fatigue, headache, pale skin, etc. An iron-rich diet like beans, green leafy vegetables, red meat, etc., can help you get rid of this problem.

-      Heredity: No matter how much you detest this fact, but it is proven that your genes have a role to play in hair loss. Like men, you too can go for over-the-counter medication, but only under medical supervision.

-      Oral contraceptives: Switching or going off birth control pills can trigger hair loss. The best way out of this problem is to talk to your doctor and look for a drug that suits your system.

In case you have been experiencing hair fall that does not look normal to you, it is advisable to see a specialist without delay. Remember to consult someone who is reputed to be the best hair transplant doctor in Gurgaon or any other city in India.


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