5 Facts You Must Know About Acne

Acne is essentially a skin problem which usually gets triggered during the onset of puberty in girls and boys alike. It can be in the form of pimples, blackheads and/or bumps on the facial skin. For all we know, teenagers with oily skin usually suffer from comparatively severe cases of acne.
While acne is a commonly occurring phenomenon, most people are unaware of some of the basic yet crucial facts about it. So, let us help you in understanding some of those.

acne free skin
Acne Free Skin

-      Adults can acquire acne

While teenagers are considered to be the most susceptible to acne, adults can also get them. Right from men and women in their early 30s to those in their late 50s can all be affected by this skin ailment. Adults usually get them in the form of red nodules around their mouth, rather than on cheeks.

-      Washing your face regularly can help fight acne

Research in this area has shown that people who wash their face twice a day as opposed to those who wash it once, have less acne. However, washing the face twice is more than enough.
Compulsively washing it every once in a while can actually lead to drying out of the facial skin, which will in turn worsen the condition. Additionally, it can be fairly helpful to use Acnestar, one of the best acne soap available in India, which will not only cleanse the skin but will also keep it well-nourished. 

-      Acne goes away with time

As hard as this may be to believe, it is actually true. A large number of people believe that acne does not go away with time, however, as we get older, hormones change in the body, thus eliminating the problem to a large extent.

-      Girls with acne can wear makeup

Now this one will surely come in as a great relief for females of all ages. When it comes to touching up your face, you can conveniently use mineral powder foundations. Wearing light make-up will help you get that much-needed coverage, without aggravating the situation.
However, as far as possible, stay away from the thick, liquid-based foundations as they will bar your skin from breathing, which is not something you’d want.

-      You can use sunscreen with acne

Yet another reassuring fact for those who wish to take the best possible care of their skin! You can conveniently use sunscreens gels instead of creams, when you’re suffering from a major breakout.

Now that you know the most imperative facts about acne, we’re sure your journey towards getting them treated will be rather seamless. And while you’re at it, don’t forget to wash your face twice daily with Acnestar and use its gel for faster results!


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