Want Your Acne Treatment To Work - Take Care Of This One Thing

Whether you are one of those who cannot sleep at night because of a single zit, or the ones who do not care about a face full of pimples – there is one thing that you should take care of for a radiant and clear skin.
Free radicals!
Acne treatments in the past few years have gained immense popularity and have helped many people get a clear skin. Still, radicals can be a cause of frequent breakouts, inflammation of the skin, and they can also obstruct any ongoing treatment.

Take Care of Your Skin

What are radicals?

Molecules that our body releases when it is exposed to harmful substances like UV light, air pollution, cigarette smoke, strenuous aerobic activities, etc., are known as free radicals.
These free radicals are charged particles of oxygen. They form a destructive chemical bonding with organic substances like protein, resulting in chemical burning or inflammation that can lead to breakouts.
Our body also produces free radicals that help detoxify the body and destroy bacteria, viruses and damaged cells. But an excess of free radicals is a surely a matter of concern.

 How to control free radicals in the body?

These days, an unavoidable term in the world of science, food and even cosmetics is antioxidants. They are compounds that combat the destructive oxidation and substantially improve the body’s condition.
When the body has a balanced cycle of destructive oxidants (that are useful to certain extent) and anti-oxidants that counteract the deterioration, chances of getting rid of the acne grows manifold.

Antioxidant rich food

Adding anti-oxidants in the body is easier done than said. Few food products that are listed below are loaded with antioxidants and can help you fight oxidants in the body:
-      Wild blueberries
-      Dark chocolate
-      Pecans
-      Artichoke
-      Kidney beans
-      Cranberries
-      Blackberries
-      Cilantro
-      Clove
-      Cinnamon
-      Turmeric
-      Cocoa
-      Cumin
-      Ginger

What are other benefits of anti-oxidants rich food?

Along with curing acne and prevent it in the future, anti-oxidants help your body in the following ways:
-      Slow down the effects/symptoms of aging
-      Protect the eyes and improve the vision
-      Support detoxification
-      Reduce the risk of cognitive problems
-      Strengthen the heart and help prevent stroke
-      Decrease the risk of cancer

It is very easy to nourish the body with anti-oxidants and help fight so many other problems besides acne. However, it is important to remember that moderation is the key to achieve optimum health.

If you are suffering from acne, along with dietary and lifestyle changes, do not forget to apply gels like Acnestar for faster and better results. Known to be one of the best acne gel available in the market, Acnestar has all the right ingredients for a speedy recovery from acne.


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