Are Hormones To Be Blamed For Acne?

Whether you are 16 or 60, whether your breakouts occur once in a month or multiple times, the reason is frustratingly simple: Human Error. You tend to follow every skin care regime during a breakout, you eat right and do everything in your power to make sure it goes away without leaving a scar. When you no longer follow a skin care regime and eat unhealthy food, it results in – another round of acne. This negligence fuels your hormones, as well as is an indication that your hormones are not functioning as expected.


Are Hormones To Be Blamed?

Acne comes to life due to a bacteria that lives on our skin. Hormones at any age can produce extra oil, throwing fuel on the fire. The bacteria get all the more comfortable environment to thrive in; and add to it the dead skin cells, dirt and stress – you have acne!
While having breakouts every now and then are usual, it is a problem if your skin is repeatedly breaking out. It may mean that you have hormonal problem that needs medical attention beyond the usual routine. An important thing to remember is that every person has a different system, and what worked for someone else might not work for you.
Hormonal acne that often appears in the T-zone, i.e. forehead, nose and chin, may be caused from:
-      Menstruation
-      Polycystic ovarian syndrome
-      Menopause
-      An increase in androgen levels
-      Oral contraceptives

Over The Counter Treatments

Though hormonal component of acne is difficult to deal with, over the counter products smooth away dead skin cells that clog the pores, decrease inflammation and have a mild anti-bacterial effect on the acne causing bacteria.
It is highly recommended to use only the best gel for acne available in the market, along with taking a proper treatment.

Diet Plays an Important Role in Controlling Hormones

Sugar and dairy products are known to aggravate the situation and cause more harm to the skin than what already is. The best alternative is to stick to fresh fruits and vegetables and cut down on refined carbs (biscuits, cakes, etc.), excess oil, fat, dairy and sweet items. It might just do the trick in many cases!

For most people, dietary and lifestyle changes, as well as taking precautions that can help curb acne works wonders. Alongside, do not forget to use over the counter gels availab

le for acne for best results. Though the timeline varies from person to person in case of hormonal acne, being proactive even when the skin is clear can help prevent related breakouts.


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