5 Reasons Why Men Lose Erection While Wearing Condom

Most men, in their lives, must have gone through the situation, where they lose their erection during the process of lovemaking. If you are a man, you can understand the embarrassment associated with the condition. It has been observed that this happens mostly, when you pause to wear a condom. In a survey, done in 2006 for over a period of three months, it was found that about 37% of men lost their erection at least once, when putting on a condom. This is a serious problem for men and there could be various reasons for this mishap. Let us find out the top five reasons of erectile dysfunction due to condom use.

-      The Fear of Rejection: According to experts, tense or tighten women are a huge turn-off for men. Most men don’t feel welcomed, when their partners ask them to wear a condom. This happens because men interpret the message as, “I don’t trust you and so, I don’t want you”. If you feel the same, get this out of your brain and heart at the earliest. Your partner asking you to wear a condom while making love is not that she doesn’t want you. She could be trying to avoid an unwanted pregnancy or if it’s the first time, maybe she just wants to be safe. You must recognize the want and desire in her for you.

-      Size of a Condom: Another significant reason for erectile dysfunction, while using a condom is the size of the condom. Use of too big or small condom may result in erection loss. Due to the ill-fitting size of the condom, your penis may not react the way it should. There are different sizes of condoms available in the market. So, always make sure that you are buying the right size of condom for your next sensual encounter.

-      Less Lubrication Killing the Sensation: A less lubricated condom may kill the penile sensation and you may suffer erectile dysfunction. There are extra lubrication condoms available in the market, which can save you from the disaster. Although, there are many companies that claim their product as the best lubricated condom, yet you should make a good research to get your hands on the finest one.

-      The Role of Foreplay: The right amount of foreplay results in a throbbing and electrifying lovemaking. During lovemaking men suffer from performance anxiety and thus, lose erection. Foreplay makes you more comfortable with your partner, thereby making you prepare to perform better. This sense of feeling will definitely help you out of this problem.

-      Takes the Romance Away: Many claim that the pause to wear a condom takes the romance away. However, it is doubted that the problem may correlate with certain psychological conditions, especially anxiety and depression. It is quite clear that a man suffering from anxiety or depression tends to lose interest at the simplest of deviation. The pause to wear a condom, thus, takes away the sensation during lovemaking.

It is quite understandable that wearing a condom doesn’t give you the same sensational feeling, you get without it. However, it is highly advisable that every man on this planet wear a condom if asked to. Though, it will take some time to adapt this attitude, yet patience will do wonders at the end.


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