5 Things to Know While Buying a School Bus

Buying a best school bus in India is an important investment. Not only does it involve spending a hefty sum of money, but the bus also acts a moving hoarding that markets the school. Moreover, once purchased, the bus will likely serve hundreds and thousands of students in the years that follow. Given the significance it holds, it is in the best interest of a school to pay attention to each of the below-mentioned points.

  • Type of Vehicle/Engine: Depending upon the number of students the bus will be required to carry, the road conditions as well as the frequency of its movement, you ought to choose one which is an ideal fit, not only in terms of the size but also with respect to the capacity of its engine. Remember the thumb rule, the heavier the load, the stronger the engine needs to be.
  • Relevant Guidelines for School Bus Manufacuring Companies: As is the case with numerous nations of the world, even India has certain laws and guidelines in place when it comes to running a school bus. For instance, if the bus carries children below 12 years of age, it can seat 1.5 times the ideal seating capacity of the bus. However, for buses carrying students above 12 years, the permitted seating capacity shouldn’t be exceeded. Make sure you take into consideration all such guidelines before making the final call.
  • Quality: Since the bus will be carrying out the responsible task of helping the children commute to and from their place of education, it goes without saying that its own quality and that of its parts should be exemplary. Moreover, the steps, as well as the floor of the bus, must be sturdy enough so that the children can move around comfortably.
  • Documentation: Goes without saying that the bus must be purchased from a reputable source and all the requisite documents should be obtained at the earliest possible. Here, the invoice of the bus, the Registration Certificate or RC, as well as the Insurance Cover, are three documents that are must-haves.
  • Safety Equipment: It is imperative that the bus is facilitated with safety equipment such as airbags and anti-lock brakes, which can come in handy in the instance of a bus crash. It should also have an emergency exit and must be installed with a fire extinguisher. While the latter doesn’t need to be present in the bus at the time of the purchase, it is essential, nonetheless.
Now that you know, what is it that you must look for in a school bus for sale, we’re sure you’ll be able to make an informed decision!


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