Tips For Less Consumption Of Fuel In Commercial Vehicles

For what it’s worth, the expenses on fuel for a commercial fleet can add up to as much as 30% of the total operating cost. Therefore, it is worth the time and effort for owners of commercial buses and trucks to look out for ways that can help improve fuel efficiency. After all, “Money saved, is money earned”.
Although, owing to the cause of a clean and green environment, synthetic lubricants and fleet telematics are being widely used, however, the onus of reducing fuel usage is still largely dependent on the way drivers handle the vehicles. Below mentioned are some tips, which, if followed, can help improve fuel economy in a significant manner.
-      Use Brakes Sensibly: One of the easiest ways to reduce the fuel consumption per km is to use brakes only when required. Moreover, it is advisable to go light on the brakes. Braking itself triggers increased fuel usage, and harsh braking pushes this usage even further. To this end, drivers should take efforts to stay fully aware while on the road and anticipate the need for braking early on.
-      Clutch Control: Many drivers, albeit subconsciously, get into the habit of resting their foot on the clutch pedal. Not only is this practice harmful to the clutch plate, but also increases the unnecessary use of the clutch. This results in an unwanted spike in the average fuel consumption. Hence, it is imperative that the driver maintains intelligent clutch control.
-      Deliberate Gear Use: It is known that the higher the gear you use, the less is the amount of fuel used. Hence, drivers should make it a point that they try to make upward gear changes as quickly and as often as possible. Here, even if one needs to skip a gear or two, it is completely alright.
-      Avoid Long Idling: It shouldn’t come as a surprise that idling of the engine causes excess fuel consumption, and even leads to increased emissions. Hence, drivers should ensure that when the vehicle is stationary for more than 30-40 seconds, the engine is turned off.
-      Maintain a Consistent Speed: In order to reduce high fuel consumption, it is recommended that the speed of the vehicle is maintained between to 70-90 km/hr on highways. Not only does this speed range makes the drive safe, but also ensures better fuel efficiency.

Now that you’re aware of some of the promising measures of improving driving practices, it would be much easier for you to increase the fuel efficiency of your fleet. Not only will this result in increased durability of your fleet, but will also increase the value of your commercial vehicles for sale.


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