7 Most Frequently Asked Questions about Condoms

Just the term “condom” creates innumerable questions in the minds of people. Various myths have surrounded condoms and their use for quite a while now. When a product has such a wide range of benefits as condoms, it is bound to be associated with a number of stories, which mostly aren’t true.
Let us know debunk the myths and answer of the most frequently asked questions about condoms:
1.       Are condoms really effective?

If properly used, condoms provide 98% protection against unwanted pregnancy and are 95% effective in preventing HIV. Apart from this, using superior quality condoms such as Manforce flavored condoms can not only prevent couples from STDs, but can also provide enhanced oral sex experience, especially for the giver.

2.       Does using two condoms provide more protection?

Not at all! The rubbing action of the two condoms against each other can lead to breakage. You can opt for an extra lubrication condom irrespective of whether you’re having vaginal sex or anal sex.

3.       Which is the best place to store condoms?

Storing condoms in a hot place is a complete “No”. A cool, dry place is ideally suited for storing condoms. Some people have a tendency to store condoms in their car which makes them highly prone to breakage.

4.       Do condoms make men impotent?

While impotency can be a major problem in men, condoms have nothing to do with it. Erection is the key here. A man can properly wear a condom only on an erect penis. But condoms do not cause erections to lose.

5.       Is allergy to latex very common?

No, it is not. In fact, sensitivity to latex is quite rare and covers only a very small percentage of men.

6.       Should HIV infected couples use condoms?

Condoms provide effective protection against various types or strains of HIV. Getting re-infected with HIV can make things worse and cause the disease to progress more rapidly. So even if you’re infected, it is a wise decision to use condoms during sexual intercourse.

7.       Does using extra lubrication condom help?

Of course! An extra lubrication condom offers a smoother and more intimate sexual experience. It is safer as it frees you from the worries of condom tear, and provides just the pleasure you’re looking for in your sexual encounter.
According to the biggestcondom brand in India, condoms today are being manufactured to not only provide protection against HIV, STDs and unwanted pregnancy, but also for the best sexual experience. So, the importance of condoms should never be ignored and you should always have a few extra ones in your home in case of emergency.


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