Everything you need to know about Arthritis on this World Arthritis Day
In medical terms, inflammation of one or more joints that
causes pain and stiffness is known as arthritis. There are around 100 types of
arthritic conditions that may worsen complications with age. Medical experts
usually prescribe the medications manufactured by the top medicine company in India in order to reduce the pain and
swelling in patients.
Here are some symptoms which a patient suffering from
arthritis may experience:
Pain in the joints
Decreased range of motions
Arthritis symptoms may be unpredictable in nature. They can
stay for months or years and the pain may worsen with time. Severe conditions
can cause chronic pain, hampering the daily activities of people like walking
and climbing stairs. Some causes of
arthritis include:
Reduction in normal amount of cartilage
Wear and tear of cartilage
Attack on tissues by immune system
Family history or Genes
Types of Arthritis
Some of the most common types of arthritis include:
1. Osteoarthritis (OA)
It is the most common type of arthritis caused by wear and
tear damage of cartilages. The damage can result into grinding of bones causing
pain and restriction in movement. This wear and tear can sustain for a longer
period of time and become woeful with a joint injury or infection.
OA can be prevented by maintaining a healthy weight,
protecting bones from infections and injuries, exercising, etc. If the symptoms and pain are severe, a
patient might need a joint replacement surgery.
2. Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)
In rheumatoid arthritis condition, the body’s immune system
mistakenly attacks the body tissues. Unlike OA, it affects the lining of the
joints causing painful swelling and may even lead to bone erosion and joint
deformity. In many cases, it can also affect many non-joint structures like
skin, eyes, lungs, kidneys, etc.
The disease can eventually damage the cartilage and bone
within the joints. There is no effective cure that can fully treat the
condition, but physiotherapies and medications may help in slowing down the
3. Infectious Arthritis (IA)
Infectious arthritis, also known as septic arthritis is a
medical condition that arises when bacteria, virus or fungi manage to enter the
joints and cause infection. They manage to enter in the fluid (synovial fluid)
surrounding the joint and spread through blood streams to the joint tissues.
Treatment of Arthritis
The treatment depends upon the type of arthritis, but it is
hard to completely cure the condition. Precautions, medications and treatments
may assist in preventing the damage and reducing swelling and pain.
Here are a few ways that can help patients in reducing the
Self-care: Weight management, heating pads, ice
packs, etc.
Therapies: Physiotherapy, hydrotherapy, acupuncture
Medications and injections
Replacement surgeries
Natural remedies: Aloe Vera, eucalyptus, ginger,
green tea, etc.
Since side effects of medications can complicate
the arthritic conditions, it is important to proceed with expert medical advice
to effectively reduce the symptoms and pain associated with the
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