What is ringworm? Causes and Treatments

Maintaining a clean and clear skin is not an easy task, especially when you are exposed to many pollutants on a regular basis. These pollutants can cause various skin problems like fungal skin infections. Fungal infections can affect anyone, therefore you should be aware about them and their preventive measures.
Unlike the name suggests, ringworm is not a worm nor is it caused by a worm. It’s a fungal skin infection caused by a class of fungi called dermatophytes. Fungi feed off keratin, a protein which can be found in your hair, nails and skin. Anyone can get ringworm, from child to adults and even animals. 

Common Signs and Symptoms   
Ringworm is easily recognizable because of its appearance. The defining sign of ringworm is a red, ring-shaped rash. Specific areas infected by the ringworm lead to specific signs. Ringworm can affect your scalp, groin, toes, skin or nails. 

Ringworm is a contagious fungal infection. It can spread in the following ways:

Person to person: Ringworm can often spread by direct contact with an infected person. 

Soil to human: Ringworm can spread to humans by coming in contact with soil. Also known as athlete’s foot infection, the condition causes itching and burning between the toes.

Animal to human: Ringworm can spread by touching an animal infected with ringworm infection.
Things to human: You can contract ringworm by coming in contact with objects or by sharing personal belongings of infected people like towel, hair products, shoes etc.

Types of Ringworm

Tinea Cruris
Also known as jock itch, it is a fungal infection which is common among boys and men. It causes red itchy patches around the groins and thighs. You can apply the best antifungal cream for jock itch cream to get rid of the infection.

Tinea Unguium
This kind of fungal infection affects either toenails or fingernails. It can be painful and embarrassing, leading to breaking and even loss of nails.

Tinea Corporis: This affects a person on the exposed areas of the body such as arms, legs or face. It appears as red, ring-shaped patches.

Prevention and Treatment
Ringworm isn’t difficult to prevent or get rid of if you take following precautions:
  • Consult a dermatologist for the ringworm treatment
  • Keep yourself clean and dry
  • Don’t share your personal objects like towels, hair products, etc. of infected people
  • Use sanitizer after playing with your canine
  • Avoid going barefoot in public areas   
Don’t let ringworm trouble you. If it occurs, you can apply a top quality over the counter antifungal cream for ringworm, which helps in treating your infection and also serves as a remedy for itchy skin.


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