What Diet you should Follow to Improve Insulin Resistance?

Glucose is an important source of energy which needs to be absorbed by the body. However, many body cells aren’t able to absorb glucose on their own, and this is where the role of insulin comes into play.
Insulin is a hormone which helps the body in balancing blood sugar levels by absorbing glucose, and ensures that the liver, fat, muscles, and other cells get sufficient energy. Insulin resistance makes it harder for the body to absorb glucose by making the cells less sensitive to insulin, and may lead to the development of adverse medical conditions such as prediabetes, type 2 diabetes, high blood sugar levels, and cell damage.
According to medical experts, certain diet and lifestyle choices can increase a person’s risks of developing medical conditions related to insulin resistance followed by other medical problems. In such a scenario, it is important to get a pathology labtest done at a top quality pathologylab near you to help the doctor treat your condition effectively.

What to Eat?

Doctors suggest that following a healthy diet which includes foods with a low glycemic index (GI) is the best way to improve insulin sensitivity, as these foods are slowly digested by the body and don’t allow the blood sugar levels to rise too much. Consuming plant-based foods, fresh fruits, and olive as the main source of fat can be an ideal diet to improve the condition. Besides, consumption of red meat in small quantities and other foods like fish, poultry, and dairy products in moderation is also recommended. 
Including essential nutrients such as magnesium, calcium, potassium, and fiber in your diet is a must to maintain optimal blood sugar levels. Let us now look at some of the foods you should consume in order to improve insulin sensitivity:
·         Fiber-rich foods like whole grains and beans
·         Foods rich in antioxidants like berries
·         Non-starchy vegetables such as broccoli, asparagus, etc.
·         Omega-3 fatty acids like salmon
·         Protein-rich foods such as pulses, fish, nuts, lean meat, etc.
·         Lower GI sweet potatoes
·         Plenty of water

What to Avoid?

Avoiding certain foods which are known to spike the blood sugar levels is as important as consuming a healthy diet. Some of the foods you should avoid include:
·         Sweetened beverages
·         Excessive alcohol
·         Starchy vegetables like corn, potatoes, etc.
·         Sweets such as ice cream, cupcakes, etc.
·         Low in fiber foods like pasta, white bread, and rice
·         Fried foods
·         Foods with a high amount of saturated fat like chocolate, etc.

Healthy Balance

Limiting the intake of unhealthy foods, consuming a diet rich in plants and fiber, while staying away from added sugar, can be good combination to improve insulin sensitivity. Also, incorporating a few lifestyle changes such as regular exercising can also improve the condition and save you from the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, along with other adverse medical conditions.


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