6 Sexy Touch Points where Magic Happens
Your lover’s body is a like a map which you should explore in every possible way. There are straight, curvy and steep paths from head to toe, which require all your lusty attention.
Travelling on these areas before reaching the ultimate destination will make your partner hungry for never-ending road trips. Follow the below leads and touch your partner at all the right places:
- Juicy Lips
Kissing is the first step toward the ultimate destination. You should focus on your partner’s lips for a little longer – suck them like a juicy orange, play tongue tennis, trace the path of teeth, and what not. Let yourself drown into the juicy river of your partner’s lips.
- Gentle Neck
Provoking the neck can be a great way to kindle the urge of sex. The front and back of the neck are two of the incredibly sensitive and vulnerable zones. For her, the nape of the neck is a sexy place which must be visited for some play. The combination of kisses on the neck and nibbles with teeth can be extremely arousing for him. You only need lightest of touches to send strong sensations throughout the body.
- Sensitive Ears
The tenderness of the ear can result in powerful sensations, if touched properly. The earlobe is the most rewarding area. Therefore, sensually swirl your tongue into his ears and suck on his earlobes. Whisper into his right ear what you would love to do to him, as the right ear is connected to a part of the brain that controls happiness.
- Perky Nipples
When stimulated, nipples directly cause sexual arousal. Nipples are one of the most sensitive areas of the body which are full of nerve endings. Men’s nipples are often neglected during lovemaking. Make sure you trace the area around the nipples with your fingers and kiss them gently. This trick will drive him crazy and wild.
- Playful Buttocks
Be playful when it comes to buttocks. Most people love the sensation of having this area touched by their partner. Squeeze her buttocks when she is totally into you. Moreover, you can spank her during the sexual act as it yanks her out from the pre-orgasmic fog and gathers her attention. Be playful and enjoy your act with the best-selling condom in India.
- Tickling Feet
The feet are the key tickling spot. The sole contains pressure points that link to different body areas and can lead to arousal. Kissing and nibbling your partner’s toes and then blowing warm air afterwards will give him/her a gratifying pins and needles feeling.
Explore your partner’s body to discover where the magic happens and enjoy your lovemaking with the best condoms in India. Never underestimate the power of touches at the right places. You never know what brings a spark in your lover’s eyes.
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