World Asthma Day: 5 Best Ways to Prevent Asthma attacks

The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes asthma as a chronic condition that is characterized by recurrent attacks of coughing, breathlessness, and wheezing. It is primarily caused by the narrowing and swelling of airways. During the condition, the bronchial tubes (airways) in the lungs become inflamed and get blocked by mucus (extra produced).
According to the WHO, almost 235 million people suffer from asthma globally. Health experts claim that the condition may result in life-threatening attacks that can trigger shortness of breath and severe chest pain or tightness. Since it is an incurable illness of the airway, it is important to take preventive measures in order to control its symptoms.
Here are 5 ways to prevent asthma attacks:

Asthma Action Plan

If a patient is diagnosed with asthma, it is important to develop an asthma action plan after a consultation with the doctor. It is a personalized plan that includes all the essential information about medication, routine, handling tips and triggers. According to experts, asthma is an incessant condition that requires regular monitoring and treatment. 

Keep Your Surroundings Clean

Unhealthy and unclean surroundings is one of the primary triggers of asthma attacks as it may expose patients to various irritants. Some important tips to keep your surroundings clean include: 
·       Clean your bedroom on a regular basis. You may use HEPA filter vacuums for trapping dust mites and other waste.
·       Invest in dust proof mattresses, pillows, covers, etc. in order to keep dust and mites out of beddings.
·       Cold air is drier and can create trouble for asthma patients. Thus, you can rely on humidifiers for adding moisture to the air. You can also invest in air purifiers to keep the air cleaner and safer.
·       Wash your bed sheets, pillow covers and clothing with hot water on a weekly basis.
According to experts, these tips are highly effective in preventing asthma attacks during night.   


Flu and pneumonia can trigger asthma attacks. Thus, it is important to stay current with influenza and pneumonia vaccinations. It will not only protect you from flu virus but will also safeguard you against chest infections. 

Sleep Apnea Tests

A report by the American Thoracic Society claims that asthma patients share an increased risk of sleep apnea. Since the condition causes repeated breathing breaks, it can worsen asthma symptoms and attacks. Thus, patients are suggested to take sleep apnea tests and arrange their asthma action plans accordingly.

Identification of Triggers

Asthma attacks are triggered by various outdoor allergens and irritants like pollen, dust, polluted air, etc. Thus, people should identify their respective triggers and take necessary steps to avoid those triggers. 
According to medical experts, many pharma manufacturing companies have developed various medications and supplements that can control asthma symptoms effectively. However, patients are advised to use them strictly on doctor’s prescription.  


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