Guilty Pleasure: How to master the art of flirting?

Flirting is a playful art of expressing vibes, feelings, and desires in a delightful, subtle and intriguing manner. It is a kind of communication that helps couples to be engaged and completely enthralled in their relationship.
A coquettish smile, lingering look, standing a little too close, and an accidental touch are all subtle examples of flirting. Though it is often seen as a form of duplicity, flirting is a pleasurable attempt, fuelled by imaginative desires. It further allows people to believe in their admirer’s likeability at a physical as well as psychological level. 
Whether it’s a first date or a long-term relationship, the act of flirting helps establish a connection between partners by adding a romantic spark in their companionship. So if you are dating someone, here are some tips that will allow you to learn and execute the art of flirting in reality:
1.       Talking with the Eyes
Since the eyes convey heartfelt energies to the receiver, let your eyes do all the talking. It is always said that an intense gaze has the ability to melt your partner and bring out his/her latent desires. Make an eye contact so that the silence between the two of you can do all the magic. You can even wink or raise your eyebrows at your lover while enjoying your time together.
2.     Smile your Heart Away
Smiles are adorable and sexy. So fill your entire body with a radiant beam of smile so that it can send signals of affection to your partner. Moreover, smiling can lead to more romantic conversations. Hence, use a sweet smile and a flutter of the eyes to steal your partner’s heart.
3.     Shower of Compliments
Use your brain’s creative bugs and compliment your partner in the most original way. When you are together in the bedroom, compliment his/her eyes, smile, hair, lips, etc. This helps in turning up the flames of passion and encourages you to experience the best sex of your life. So unite the power of compliments with Manforce ribbed condoms to enjoy your intimate moments of togetherness.
4.     Let your Body Dance
When your eyes make intense contact with your beloved, your smile widens and your body does its own adorable dance. Stay out of your mind and into your body and let your partner notice your subtle movements of affection.
Enjoy your guilty pleasure to the fullest with the above-mentioned tips. Besides, you can take your flirtatious energies to the next level with Manforce flavoured condoms in order to enjoy the flames of the perpetual love bond.


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